Pato Paez Pato Paez

Peter Demos: The Power of Contrast

This is the work of artist Peter Demos—a great example of contemporary abstraction. I first discovered his work a few years ago through my then-business partner, Michael Souter. Michael has a thing for pure abstraction, so it wasn’t a shock that he loved Peter’s work.

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Pato Paez Pato Paez

Andrew Faris: Bold Hues and Abstract Narratives

Andrew's journey into art is rooted in his design background, which has significantly shaped his approach from the start. In our conversation, he shared how he's moved away from the way he began creating art—meticulously planning his compositions—to embracing a more spontaneous interplay of colors on the canvas. It's less about starting with a concrete idea and more about letting the paint flow and evolve naturally.

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