The Enigmatic World of Ellen de Meijer—Her New Print Series

You might recall the artist I mentioned a while ago. A few years ago, I wandered into a small gallery in the Lower East Side of Manhattan—though the name escapes me now—and I was completely stopped in my tracks by a painting. That was my first encounter with the work of Dutch artist Ellen de Meijer.

This particular painting was "Power Play," a work that features a person with a unique and slightly eerie appearance. The subject holds a staff decorated with a twisted pearl chain and a golden tip, set against a gradient of gray tones that creates a somber and mysterious atmosphere. The overall effect was both intriguing and slightly unsettling—a real wow moment.

As I explored more of Ellen's portfolio, I was impressed by the way she layers her themes. In her work, she offers a subtle but strong critique of our consumer-focused society, challenging us to reconsider our roles within it.

I became deeply engaged with her narratives and, a few weeks later, I connected with her son, Mick, who manages her business affairs. Recently, Mick shared some exciting news: the release of a new series of silkscreen prints based on her 2020-painting "Lapis Lazuli."

The original "Lapis Lazuli" continues the surreal vibe seen in "Power Play." In this piece, the figure is wearing bright yellow gloves and clutching a hand adorned with a striking blue ring—distinctly Ellen's style. This painting, like her others, is imbued with a mysterious, commanding presence that is both unsettling and compelling.

The new prints based on this work were released on June 1st. If you're interested in experiencing Ellen de Meijer's art firsthand—and I strongly suggest you do—you should definitely check out these prints. Here’s where you can find them.


Sigmund de Jong: The Art Studio as a Research Center


“Hughmans,” Hugh Hayden